A news feed is an editable template that can be saved, updated, and transmitted to recipients that belong to the news feed's subscriber groups.
Creating a News Feed
Select Newsfeed Admin under the inLeague Home / Email Manager menu. Select the Newsfeed Admin tab and Create New Feed.
Select Recipient Groups
News feeds use the same recipient groups as the email manager, and all recipients' addresses are kept up-to-date automatically. The system will filter out duplicates in the event that the same recipient belongs to more than one group.
The recipient groups for a news feed may be changed at any time by returning to the Newsfeed Admin tab.
Inviting Other Users to Your Newsfeed
From the Newsfeed Admin tab, you may invite any other user to as an editor (to edit the content of your news feed) or an administrator (to manage the recipient groups and access control).
Publishing Your Newsfeed
Eventually, newsfeeds will be publsihed over mobile devices such that users will be notified when an update occurs. In the meantime, news feeds may be sent to all of their recipients via the email manager. Please note that, while the recipient of a newsfeed is called a 'subscriber,' news feeds sent out via the email manager are not 'opt in' as they will be on mobile devices - everyone in the news feed recipient group will receive the template.
Archiving Your Newsfeed
The current version of your news feed is always saved so that you can return to it later, but if you would like to make substantial changes and may need to return to an earlier version, you can archive the news feed and it will save the current content and make it available to retrieve later.
Custom Recipient Groups
You can use the Report Center to create custom recipient groups based on your own criteria. For instance, you may want to email all volunteers who lack a certain certification. Create and save a custom report for the relevant children, players, or volunteers, then that report will be available to select as a recipient group in both the Email Manager and the Newsfeed Admin under the Saved Reports category.
Recurring Emails
Perhaps you want to send a weekly reminder to your non-certified volunteers. Any Newsfeed can be set up as a recurring email and automatically sent to its recipient groups. Choose the Edit Content tab in the Newsfeed Admin and select an existing newsfeed. (Refresh the page to update the list if necessary – we will fix this!) Now you can choose a start date, end date, and frequency for your recurring email or cancel the existing email schedule. If you are scheduling a recurring email for a Saved Report recipient group, we run the report immediately before sending the email each time so that the list of email recipients is always updated with the latest data.