School Year ('AYSO Style') Divisions - 2016 and Earlier

When a player is first registered in a season, inLeague calculates their 'league age' or 'AYSO age'. Historically, this was the player's age as of July 31st of the Membership Year (e.g. 7/31/15 for Fall 2015).

inLeague then locates the nearest division whose age cut-off is above the player's league age. For example, a player who is 7 years old is assigned to U8. If no U8 division exists, it will look for U9, U10, and so on.

Formula: First Division whose age cutoff is greater than (Membership Year - League Age)

Full-Year ('US Soccer Style') Divisions

Beginning in 2016, inLeague now supports full-year divisions. This system works exactly the same way as the old 'AYSO-style' algorithm, but it does not use 7/31 as a cutoff to "bump" a player down. 

Formula: First division whose age cutoff is greater than (Membership Year - Player's Birth Year)

Selecting a Division Scheme by Season

Going forward, inLeague supports both systems. All existing seasons in MY2016 and earlier have been configured so that they continue to use the School Year divisions. Seasons after MY2016, and any new seasons added to the system, will default to US Soccer divisions. 

You may change which setting a season uses in the Season Manager under the Control Panel. Please be aware that changing the division scheme partway through a season will not cause players to be re-assigned to new divisions; a player's division is only calculated when they are first registered, or in the player editor when their division assignment is changed to 'automatic.' 

Division Naming Schemes

inLeague is not automatically renaming divisions to calendar years. The change from school year divisions to calendar year divisions still supports the U## naming scheme. If you would like to adopt the calendar year division name (e.g. B2010 instead of BU6 for MY2016), you may change the public-facing division name.In most public-facing parts of the inLeague application, the 'division name' (configurable by Webmaster-level users under Divisions --> Division Setup) is displayed. Internally, inLeague relies on the U## scheme for some functionality, and it is much easier for inLeague staff to keep track of divisions in support requests this way. Nonetheless, if you change a division's name under Division Setup and still see the old-style U## name somewhere that you feel may cause confusion, please contact inLeague Support and we will be happy to remedy the display.