
Whom do you recommend?

inLeague's current recommendation for Merchant Services is Flagship Merchant Services:

inLeague's Role - Transaction Broker

The inLeague system is designed to broker transactions between leagues and participants (parents and volunteers). This means that we package up all the relevant data for a transaction and send it to your credit card processor, and then record the response. We do not charge a fee for this service; it is part of your regular subscription to our software.

inLeague does not ever store credit card or billing data beyond the absolute minimum required to facilitate transactions between your league and your merchant account.

inLeague does not have a relationship with any merchant services provider and receives no incentives for steering leagues to one provider over another. Given the importance of processing credit cards to every organization that collects fees, we do have an interest in a smooth and successful business relationship between our constituent leagues and their merchant services provider -- and to that end, we periodically act as a consensus-gatherer and representative on our leagues' behalf so that we might leverage the buying power of all of our customers. This is a service we provide as a courtesy; inLeague does not process credit cards, collect fees for processing credit cards, or hold any capacity beyond advice with respect to your league's merchant services account.

May we use any merchant services provider?

There are dozens (if not hundreds) of companies providing merchant services on the Internet. It makes no difference to inLeague which merchant service provider you use; however, they must support OR FirstData E4 as a payment gateway. Note that there are several 'FirstData' payment gateways; E4, also called 'PayEezy,' is the only one supported by inLeague.

Leagues using a merchant services provider other than Flagship are responsible for their own PCI compliance surveys and scans. 

Special Note on Refund Windows: Please be aware that, while inLeague supports as a gateway, they will not refund any transaction past 120 days. If you need to refund any payment after 120 days, please ensure that Flagship uses FirstData's E4 product as your payment gateway.

How much does it cost to accept credit cards?

The rates depend on your merchant services provider, the type of agreement your league has with that provider, and the type of card being processed.

Most merchant providers will offer two types of pricing structures. Please note that the following examples are meant only to illustrate concepts; please consult your merchant services representative for an explanation appropriate to your service. 

Is it possible to maintain multiple merchant accounts?

Yes. inLeague has the following mechanisms to collect funds:

Unless otherwise specified, all payments will be submitted by the merchant account configured in your inLeague control panel as the system default. Team-level payments, also called tournament payments, may be configured to use separate merchant accounts in the Competition Setup function for each competition -- in other words, you can have funds submitted for teams in your travel program processed separately from funds submitted for teams in your core program.

Similarly, individual events may be configured to use any available merchant account on the 'new event' or 'edit event' pages.

To segregate donations or sponsorships into separate accounts, please contact inLeague Support.