Versions Compared


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  • Player Admiinstrators may view player records, manage team assignments, game scores, and player ratings.
  • Volunteer Administrators may view volunteer records, manage coach and team-level assignments, and email volunteers on a per-competition basis.
  • Payment Administrators may access tournament accounting functions.
  • Ref Schedulers may approve referee self-scheduler requests or manually assign referees to games. 
  • Game Schedulers may schedule games and assign teams to games.
  • Email Administrators may send emails to volunteers or players assigned to teams within their competition(s).

While division directors can access many of these functions only within their division, competition managers may access all divisions. For example, if division directors are permitted to schedule games in the control panel, they may schedule games within any competition but only within their division; a competition manager may schedule games in any division, but only within their competition.
